Ritchie Bros. prepares for Orlando global auction in Feb 2018
Views: 396

Ritchie Bros.’ premier global auction in Orlando, Florida, USA, is set to be held from 19 to 23 February 2018, which is expected to attract more than 10,000 bidders. Consignments are now being accepted for this five-day event.

Ritchie Bros.’ February Orlando auction is one of the most anticipated equipment events of the year, as thousands of people from around the world vie for the opportunity to purchase equipment from some of the most well-respected companies from the US, Latin America, Canada and abroad.

“Our Orlando auction brings the onsite and online world together with huge local, national and international buyer participation - last year’s auction had more than 10,000 bidders registered from 88 countries,” said Jeff Jeter, president of US Sales, Ritchie Bros.

“Sellers for the 2018 auction will now also benefit from the expanded customer base with our recent acquisition of IronPlanet. Ritchie Bros. now has a combined global buying base of hundreds of thousands of active bidders from more than 150 countries and our websites attract over 43 million unique visitors annually.”

Mr Jeter continued, “Orlando 2018 will have equipment of every type, make and model, perfectly organised across our 200-acre auction yard. If you would like to add your equipment to this premier global equipment auction we are now accepting consignments.”
