Singapore – Interior Design Confederation of Singapore (IDCS) announced the re-election of Mr George Budiman of Cynosure Design Pte Ltd. as its president for the 4th year running. The announcement, held simultaneously with IDCS’ 13th annual general meeting on 24 November 2016, also includes the other duly elected members of IDCS’ Council Committee.
“It is with great pride and honour to again be elected as IDCS' President. The committee has, over the years, made great strides in uplifting the professionalism and reputation of interior designers in Singapore. But there's work still to be done - we know the challenges and we will continue to push for initiatives that drive more projects and programmes to serve the entire design industry,” said Mr Budiman.
The newly elected Interior Design Confederation of Singapore’s Council Committee 2016-2018 includes new Honorary Advisory roles which will provide strong support to the Elected Council Members to further the interests of the industry.
IDCS' vision for the year 2017 include continuous efforts to promote a clearer understanding of the interior design industry in general; increasing members' level of professionalism and subsequently elevate the overall status of the profession within the business community; fortify its position as trusted advisor to organisations and individual professionals working in related industries such as engineering, architecture, building and construction, and property development; and strengthen its working relationships with government departments, institutions, and neighbouring design associations.