Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2016’s concurrent events to focus on technology and innovation

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Shanghai, China –

 Jointly organised by Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd, the China Smart Home Industry Alliance (CSHIA), the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade – Shanghai Pudong Sub-Council, and Shanghai Hongshan Exhibition Service Co Ltd, the second edition of Shanghai Smart Home Technology (SSHT) will return this autumn. From 31 August to 2 September 2016, the fair will be held again at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

Renowned industry experts will discuss smart home standards, AV integrated systems and sun shading technologies
Over 100 seminar sessions surrounding the core themes of technology and innovation will take place during the three days of SSHT and the concurrent Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology (SIBT) fair. Renowned overseas and domestic associations, leading brands and industry experts are invited to showcase and discuss cutting-edge technologies and market trends. Some highlighted topics include:

International smart home and intelligent building standards
Influential overseas and domestic standards associations will present their respective standards and technology applications. A few of the presenters and their topics include:
• AllSeen Alliance: Open IoT Open Source Framework – AllJoyn
• Bluetooth SIG: Bluetooth® Technology Creates a Smart Home Ecosystem
• EnOcean Alliance: EnOcean Batteryless Wireless Technology for Intelligent Building and IoT
• KNX Association: KNX Technical Seminar
• LonMark International: IoT Standardisation, Become Smart City, Building, Streetlight and Backbone Network
• Wi-Fi Alliance: A Vision of a Wi-Fi World
• Z-Wave Alliance: Z-Wave Workshop
• ZigBee Alliance: ZigBee – From Wireless to Boundaryless

Audio and visual integrated systems
SSHT has invited Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association (CEDIA), a globally influential organisation in the AV industry, to co-organise the Home Technology Zone. The zone will demonstrate a more comprehensive and convenient smart living experience through the integration and display of state-of-the-art audio visual integrated systems and products. CEDIA has teamed up with many experts to organise the CEDIA training programme. The association’s partners include AVSTYLE, an AV integrated solutions provider from China; the co-founder and president of Erdmann Electric Inc, Mr Ken Erdmann; and Mr Deng HongXing, an expert in custom private theatre design. Presenters will share international technologies and experiences with the domestic smart home and AV industry in an effort to generate creative design ideas. Some topics include:
• Design of home theatres
• Design of rooms with immersive audio systems
• Design of custom private theatres

Smart home networks
Digitalisation and Internet technology enhance the functions of smart home devices such as interactive home equipment, networked appliances and real-time security systems. These advanced technologies and products improve users’ smart living experience while creating network security risks. To address this issue, SSHT has invited Mr Rawlson O'Neil King, Communications Director of the Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) in Canada, to share his research findings through his featured Cybersecurity and the Connected Home Seminar.

Sun shading technologies
Smart shading is important to energy conservation and temperature control. Thanks to the Chinese government’s enforcement of a series of green building policies as well as massive energy-saving renovations to existing buildings and new building construction, business opportunities among smart shading sectors have become plentiful.
Together with the Building Shading Professional Committee of Shanghai Decorative Decoration Industry Association, SSHT will host the Development and Opportunities of Sun Shading Technology in Intelligent Building Industry Forum. Renowned enterprises such as LBest will also share more on the industry’s potential.

Smart home innovations
The smart home market is being boosted by creative thinking and continuous research and development. With the theme "Explore intelligent living solutions", the New Technology and Product Launch invites enterprises to showcase a diversified range of smart home innovations. CSHIA, the fair co-organiser, as well as Midea, SIIC-LongChuang, Honeywell, Honyar, HORN, VStarcam, UIOT, PONIT and Everyoo are participating brands in the event. Additionally, CSHIA will organise the China Smart Home Industry Alliance Eastern China Summit to further explore future development of the industry. 

SSHT will be held concurrently with three fairs: Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology (SIBT), the Shanghai International Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (ISHS), and the Shanghai International Lighting Fair (SILF). Collectively, the fairs form the “Intelligent Green Building – IGB” exhibition platform that hosts more than 460 exhibitors in 40,000 square metres of exhibition space. Approximately 51,000 visitors from intelligent buildings, smart home, HVAC and lighting industries are expected to attend. 

For more information on SSHT, email or visit