In this interview with SEAB, Virginia Lung & Ajax Law, Co-Founder & Design Director of One Plus Partnership Limited from Hong Kong, share their thoughts on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in interior design practice.
Q: What kind of opportunities and threats does Artificial Intelligence present to interior designers?
A: AI can help interior designers in some fundamental and repetitive work. For example, AI can study already-made design details and practice, and then it applies the modules to the next project to facilitate and increase efficiency of the whole design process. It is also possible for AI to generate detail drawings and working drawings with correct instructions.
AI is vey capable of learning. When it comes to the domain of design, some simple and general practice can be done by AI. That’s how AI can be threats to some interior design firms that don’t do much innovative and creative work but follow traditional designs.
Q: In Asia, are interior designers embracing Artificial Intelligence to complement their work? If yes, kindly elaborate and give us a few examples of building projects which have been designed with the help of AI.
A: We haven’t embraced AI in our works yet.
Q: In future, is there a probability that Artificial Intelligence will replace interior designers? Kindly explain your thoughts.
A: We believe there is a probability that AI will help interior designers a lot in the future, completing repetitive work in the design. It is still little chance and difficult for AI to replace those interior designers who are full of creative ideas and keep trying new design approaches. However, what AI might replace are some designers whose work is mainly on the basics.