Perennial establishes China’s first Alzheimer’s care-focused integrated healthcare development comprising the country’s largest dementia care home
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Singapore – Perennial Holdings Private Limited is pleased to unveil plans for Perennial Alzheimer’s Care Village Xi’an (PACVX), China’s first Alzheimer’s care-focused integrated healthcare development comprising the country’s largest1 Dementia Care Home (DCH), which is located within the Zhouzhi Louguan Eco Cultural Tourism Resort Zone in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. A kick-off ceremony was held on 25 July 2022 to officially mark the start of the works. The total investment cost for PACVX is estimated to be RMB128 million.

PACVX is positioned as a one-stop healthcare development offering holistic and personalised care for seniors with dementia in China, particularly those with Alzheimer’s disease. The development’s total land area spans approximately 43,000 square metres and is surrounded by beautiful lakes, gardens, mountains and cultural attractions. The leased site with existing buildings measuring over 38,000 square metres in total gross floor area, will be converted to house a DCH with over 400 beds, the largest1 dementia care facility in the country, a nursing care hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, and an international eldercare research institute. PACVX is approximately an 80-minute drive from the Xi’an city centre. DCH is expected to commence operations in 2023, followed progressively by the other components. When fully completed, PACVX will house a total of close to 700 beds.

Dr Khoo Chow Huat, Chief Executive Officer (Healthcare) of Perennial, said: “Eldercare and senior housing is one of Perennial’s core healthcare business segments in China. Our relentless focus has been on the seamless integration of eldercare and medical care as well as western and traditional Chinese medicine to better meet the needs of seniors. We are delighted to establish PACVX as China’s first Alzheimer’s care-focused integrated healthcare development comprising the country’s largest1 DCH. PACVX, with its geographically-endowed scenic setting, specially designed spaces to allow Alzheimer’s residents to live in normalcy in a protected environment, dedicated Alzheimer’s multidisciplinary team of medical professionals, and multi-tiered inclusive community support, is expected to raise the bar for Alzheimer’s care in the country. It will also expand Perennial’s eldercare business lines and further strengthen our position as a comprehensive healthcare services owner, operator and manager in China.”

1 Based on the number of beds