Category: Commercial Projects – SIA Architectural Design Awards 2021
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SIA Architectural Design Awards 2021 – Category: Commercial Projects

Merit Award

o Wilmar International, RSP Architects Planners & Engineers (Pte) Ltd

This new headquarters building provides world class laboratories and office spaces within a landscaped garden setting to create a landmark headquarters building for Wilmar International. The building is organic in form and is characterised by tiered landscape terraces with access to garden and fresh air at each office level.

Jury Citation:

The architects for Wilmar International have demonstrated an understanding of planning and human scale, evidenced through the use of terracing to reduce the perception of building mass, which is commendable. Sound design planning also sees the use of a lightwell strategically placed along the public thoroughfare work alongside an otherwise deep building footprint, allowing light and rain to filter in naturally without enclosing an atrium. This combination of strategies, coupled with tree-like column structures and cascading green terraces, help play out the apt metaphor of a forest.