Mowilex wins gold medal for Global CRS Best Environmental Excellence Award
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Jakarta, Indonesia – Paint manufacturer PT Mowilex Indonesia has won several Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) awards since the premium wall paint brand started operating in 1970. In September 2020, Mowilex was granted a gold medal for the 12th Annual Global CSR Best Environmental Excellence Award. The high-profile event, held virtually due to the Covid 19 pandemic, assesses companies from many countries and regions in Asia, such as Singapore, Malaysia, India, Taiwan, Cambodia, and the Middle East.

The Global CSR Award is Asia’s most prestigious grant held since 2009 for Corporate Social Responsibility. Global CSR Award rewards companies for their innovative products, services, projects, and programs. The selected project is considered to demonstrate the company’s commitment to implement ethical business practices consistently and uphold appropriate values for the environment, community, and society.

Founder and Director of Williams Business Consultancy Sdn Bhd, as one of the judges, Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Williams, noted that they received over 300 submissions from 120 companies worldwide and selected 48 of them as winners in the 16 main award categories. “Having judged for over 12 years, it is encouraging to see that these companies have continuously set higher standards and goals to achieve every year, not only in terms of their social and environmental impact but also the innovativeness of some of these projects," he said.

President Director of Mowilex, Niko Safavi, stated that the Global CSR Best Environmental Excellence Award strengthens the company’s commitment to continue implementing its sustainability programme, namely "Kurangi, Hindari, Imbangi (Reduce, Avoid, Offset)". "We always encourage our CSR programs to remain in line with sustainability and environmental initiatives," said Niko in Jakarta, October 13th, 2021.

The grant from Global CSR is an award for Mowilex’s long journey in preserving the environment. As the first paint manufacturing company in Indonesia that is certified Carbon Neutral, Mowilex participated in environmental preservation by reducing more than 12,000 plastic water jugs and bottled water since the initiative started in October 2019. The company also delivers sustainability in its operations by taking the initiative to reduce electricity use. Therefore, Mowilex is replacing freon in air conditioners and office and factory lights with LED technology.    

In 2019, Mowilex also stopped producing certain colours of lead-containing wood and metal paint two years before the deadline recommended by the United Nations alliance. Mowilex also invested time and resources to launch a lead-free formulation for Wood and Iron Paints. These steps prove its commitment to contribute to the environment. The company is aware that long-term investment correlates to the sustainability of the planet we live in and its services to the local communities. It focuses on searching for eco-friendly solutions and reducing carbon footprints.

Mowilex continues to strive to make a positive impact on consumers and the environment. Its carbon offset funds are used for regional habitat conservation and community empowerment. The company is also involved in protecting whale sharks and their 1,500-kilometre habitat in Saleh Bay, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. Mowilex also collaborates with the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry to plant 50,000 new trees, including 5,500 mangrove plants that protect coastlines and capture carbon in Bali, and 500 Tabebuya (Handroanthus chrysotrichus) in Purwakarta, West Java.