John Portman & Associates announces 712 West Peachtree project
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John Portman & Associates has announced the design for a new Midtown Atlanta office tower. Developed by Portman Holdings, LLC., 712 West Peachtree is an office tower in Midtown Atlanta, aiming to serve the emergent technology corridor amidst: NCR's headquarters, Georgia Tech's Tech Square, Coda, Anthem Technology Center, and Norfolk Sothern's Headquarters.

712 West Peachtree will continue the Anthem New Technology experience started with the Building under construction at 740 West Peachtree St. It will extend and compliment the lifestyle amenities of the first phase yet customising the design to the groups that will occupy these new spaces. The design intent at ground floor is to promote street activity, continuing the pedestrian friendly approach started with Coda.

The building shares a city block, integrated active ground floor space, parking, and 8th floor exterior terrace with Anthem Technology Center at 740 West Peachtree next door. The building will offer stunning views of Midtown and Downtown Atlanta from its 13 office floors situated above an 8-storey parking deck.  The vertical integration of programmatic elements allows the building to maximise a compact site area within the urban context.

The gross project area is 578,851 square feet. The Office Building stands 20 storeys above grade and one level below grade. Above ground floor there are 8 levels of Parking Garage. Office areas occupy next 13 levels on levels 8 through 20.  The total rentable area is 309,465 square feet, retail area of 8,761 square feet, and 516 parking spaces.