SMU to introduce residential learning-and-living concept at Prinsep Street Residences
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Singapore – In the new academic year (AY) 2018-2019 starting August this year, the Singapore Management University (SMU) will introduce a new residential learning-and-living concept at its existing student residence – Prinsep Street Residences (PSR). At PSR, SMU aims to build a community for the Community, where students co-live/work/learn together, and are also nurtured to be change agents by giving back to the Bras Basah community.

Staying true to SMU’s hallmark holistic approach to education, the University will offer programming guided by five themes – (i) Entrepreneurship, (ii) Social Entrepreneurship, (iii) Community Service, (iv) Grooming Future Leaders, and (v) Social Integration and Diversity. Through this thematic approach, PSR will provide a supportive environment that will nurture well-rounded students with strong esprit de corps, as they collaborate in projects and activities to make a meaningful impact in their immediate communities.

Professor Lily Kong, SMU Provost, said, “The SMU residential living-and-learning model is very much an extension of our holistic approach towards education, which has been a hallmark since SMU’s inception in 2000. As a university, we are committed to nurturing well-rounded students who will make a meaningful impact in their communities. We are confident that students will benefit richly from the residential experience, while contributing to the larger community around them.”

Refurbishment works are currently underway at the PSR estate, located about 650 metres (or 8 minutes by foot) from the SMU campus. When completed in July 2018, PSR will offer 23 large-sized shared apartments for 255 student residents, as well as purpose-built communal spaces that will facilitate and support co-living/working/learning. The PSR residential population will comprise undergraduates from across all four years of study, and a mix of Singaporean and international students.

In line with SMU’s commitment towards developing a smart, green and sustainable campus, several new technology and green features are being integrated with innovative smart building technology, so as to enhance energy efficiency and human comfort. The efforts are expected to bring about significant energy savings of approximately 45-50 percent per year.