New Chairman for Showlight Committee
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With two successful Showlight events and eight years of managing the event’s volunteer organising committee, Ian Dow has passed his Chairman’s baton to John Allen of Northern Light.

John has been a member of the Showlight Committee since the 2001 event in Edinburgh and his responsibilities have included organising both the visits programme and the Conference Dinner, the signature event where diners move from one table to another during the course of the evening, ensuring everyone meets someone new – and providing a memorable experience into the bargain!

The next Showlight takes place in 2017; both the main sponsor and the host country have yet to be decided but, says John Allen: “Following the success of Showlight 2013 in Cesky Krumlov, there is already great interest in the sponsorship of the 2017 event and many of this year’s exhibitors have already shown interest in booking space, despite not knowing where the event will be held!”

Outgoing chairman Ian Dow said: “There is an old adage along the lines of ‘leave on a high’ and I am certainly doing that! There is no doubt that Showlight 2013 was a fantastic event, due in no small part to our hard working committee, and I know that John will receive the same support and enthusiasm that I have enjoyed over the past eight years.”