Smart Plants- Smart Cities, A Key Issue for Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2014
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Mostra Convegno Expocomfort (MCE), the biennial International exhibition dedicated to residential and industrial installations, air-conditioning and renewable energy (held from18 to 21 March 2014 at Fiera Milano), has proposed a conference programme with a focus on ‘Smart Plans- Smart Cities’.

The programme addresses the important issue facing cities in the future where ‘Smart’ buildings are the cornerstones of a new way of living under the banner of energy efficiency and conservation.

The programme perfectly reflects the products offered by more than 1,500 exhibiting companies (37 per cent coming from 52 foreign countries), featured at MCE’s four macro areas. MCE 2014 thus, showcases cutting edge solutions and innovative products focused on providing maximum efficiency in the heating, air-conditioning, renewable energy, hydro-thermal and sanitary fields. These products are tools that can be used by individuals to take control of energy consumption and cost.

Educational and professional upgrading will be one of the strengths of MCE, thanks to the support of the Scientific Committee. The committee is made up of experts from authoritative trade associations and federations in the reference sector, and chaired by a representative of the Polytechnic of Milan, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan. The programme will cover the latest topical issues and is aimed at more than 155,301 trade professionals keen on updating their skills.

A three-step approach to tackling the issue ‘Smart Plants- Smart Cities’ will be applied. This includes the analysis of Italy’s industry scenario through the introduction of important international case studies and a general description of its market potential.

The first conference session ‘Comfort Technology Designing and Installing Integrated Systems for Energy Efficiency’, will take place on 19 March 2014, after the opening ceremony of ANIMA centenary (Federation of Italian Associations of Mechanical, and Engineering Industry).

The conference would highlight the final appointment of the MCE Road Show which took place all around Italy. It will show how the Road Show illustrates the technical and regulatory aspects of the next generation of buildings in Italy, where installation technology provides a wide variety of functions incorporated into innovative control systems.

The second session (20 March 2014), is held in collaboration with associations, universities, bodies and institutions and is expected meet a positive response on an international level. The session would provide an opportunity to examine relevant International case studies. This would thus, give attendees an overview of cutting-edge designs which can improve energy performance, reduce energy consumption, combine functionality and building management control systems.

The third and last day of the conference (21 March 2014) will focus on market potential and will highlight advanced promising technology. This includes heat pumps, high efficiency boilers and energy storage. The conference will also highlight the new regulatory framework and how to interpret business opportunities in favour of all professionals in the industry.

The conference calendar also features a list of training meetings and workshops that promote cutting-edge technology. These seminars are organised by main trade associations and other exhibiting companies. MCE will also feature ‘Percorso Efficienza & Innovazione’, an initiative aimed to present a selection of innovative and high efficient products and solutions on display. Another of MCE’s highlights includes ‘Oltre la Classe’, a showcase that highlights excellence in energy efficiency.