antoniolupi presents FLOW
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During the last Salone del Mobile antoniolupi presented his first home collection focused on  the living room and bedroom. Elements characterized by the elegant and essential style of the brand have thus created a perfect dialogue between the numerous novelties for the bathroom. Among these, the new Flow basin.

FLOW is a sink designed by Paolo Ulian shaped by the force and fluidity of water whose form it naturally takes, creating a symbiotic relationship between machine and worked material, there where the boundary between one and the other is lost to give life to new and unexplored formal balances. “Flow is not a normal sink," is how Andrea Lupi, CEO of antoniolupi describes it "It is an experimental object of marble sink”.  

The concept stems from the observation of a particular processing characteristic of the water-jet machine. This machine tends to spontaneously create irregular curvilinear waves in relief on the surface of marble that can ideally resemble the frayed effect of a fabric pleat. Usually, this feature is considered as a defect to be avoided, but if we reverse the perspective from which it is observed, it can translate into a virtuous feature and turn into a new aesthetic quality.

Waterjet cutting also offers greater optimization of the material processed, and from a single block of marble it is possible to obtain three or more sinks of different diameters, one inside the other like matryoshkas and not just one as in traditional processing. Each sink is distinguished by its own special aesthetic that makes it a unique piece, unrepeatable.